Let’s talk about mental health

Each year on October 10th, the World Health Organisation recognises Mental Health Day and this year, that took on added significance given what people have been through over the last eighteen months or so. Mental health has always been a taboo subject that people don’t want to talk about. And yet, it affects everyone and has no respect for wealth or social standing. It has never been more important to look after our mental health, and here are five steps which, if added to everyday life, can improve the way you feel:

  • Stay connected. Keep in touch with family, friends and those around you;
  • Stay active. Exercise has a positive effect on the mind as well as the body, and you don’t have to go to a gym to do it;
  • Stay healthy. Eating well is good for your brain and the weighing scales.
  • Take a break. Life can be a treadmill at times. Stop for a breather to help recharge your inner batteries;
  • Do something you are good at. Everyone has a talent and, whatever it is, doing it will improve your mood and confidence.

If you feel that you, or someone close to you, has a problem, then don’t be afraid to talk about it.

At Rollagranola, we like to feel that we contribute in a small way to the health and well being of everyone who is part of our community. We passionately believe that everyone should eat healthy food with great flavours and have fun doing it.

Our new Almond & Pecan Crunch granola is a perfect example. It is low sugar, vegan and gluten-free but tastes delicious with its blend of pecans, almonds, coconut flakes, seeds and vanilla. It makes a great breakfast bowl, and breakfast is an important meal for our well-being. But it also contains plant fibres that are proven to contribute towards a healthy gut which boosts mental health. Feed your gut, fuel your mind.

It is also worth remembering that the humble walnut is the top nut for mental health. It has a high concentration of DHA, a type of Omega-3 fatty acid that has been shown to improve cognitive performance in adults. It is a satisfying snack that is healthy in so many ways.

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