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How do discounts work? There can only be one discount code allocated per order so if there are two available then you simply need to choose the one which will give you the biggest discount. Please note, subscriptions are already discounted and therefore additional discounts cannot be added. 

How should I eat Rollagranola? A lot of people ask us what to do with granola. Most have a bowl of granola with milk or yoghurt but you could top your granola bowl with some honey or fresh fruit. Feeling more adventurous, check out our recipes page for some whacky granola inspiration. 

Does granola contain nuts? Yes, we make incredibly nutty granola and use a high percentage of nuts in all our granolas so they are not safe for anyone with a nut allergy. 
What about peanuts? We do not use peanuts at all in our factory and run a completely peanut-free site.
Does granola have gluten in? No, we only produce gluten-free granola. Our paleo granolas are also cereal-free.
Where is your granola made?
We make all granola and snacks here in the UK in our factory in Hitchin, we stick to our home-made style production methods to ensure quality.
Do you offer free shipping?
Yep, check out our delivery and returns page for full info.
Do you offer international shipping? 
Yes, please see international shipping info here.
Is granola vegan?
Not all our products are vegan but most are, check out the vegan granola page to be sure.
Where is your granola available other than on your website? 
Check out our stockists page to see all stockist info.
Why do you use nuts?
First and foremost, they taste great and have fantastic texture - we love nutty granola. They are also proven to have numerous long-term health benefits as well as give long-lasting energy. For us it was a no-brainer to use as many nuts as possible in our range. 
Early on, we realised that this was something that nobody else does, to get the best possible flavours and textures we use a whole host of nuts including: Macadamias, Pecans, California Walnuts, Brazils and Pistachios.
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Why no refined sugar?
There are a number of reasons we don’t use refined sugars in our granolas and why we should be either reducing it or removing it completely from our diets.
Refined sugar provides absolutely no vitamins, minerals, proteins or fats available which is why the term ‘empty calories' makes sense. We use fruit to sweeten and some sources of unrefined sugars such as honey and maple syrup, both of which have been shown to help regulate insulin and so not cause a number of the issues refined sugars are known so well to cause. 
Want to know more... Click here
What benefits can nuts have?
Nuts are packed with vitamins and minerals and provide a healthy portion of fats, protein and fibre to give a great boost to your day. Why do we use nuts? Well they taste great and have a fantastic texture to start with, they also provide long lasting energy meaning you feel fuller for longer and you can enjoy your day.
Now, there are so many associated health benefits we can’t list them all but a few articles below give you a good idea of how nuts can help you in your day-to-day life. Remember a portion of Rollagranola a day can provide you with all the benefits nuts have to offer.
Though we would love to claim our healthy homemade granola will solve all your health issues, make you live longer and solve world conflicts, sadly, it would not be true.
What we can claim is that there is evidence that nuts, seeds and fruits can actively contribute to your health in specific areas, these include:
What benefits can avocado oil/ coconut oil have?
Both oils we use in our granolas have been shown to have multiple health benefits. We use avocado oil in most granolas, it has a mild taste meaning it doesn’t disrupt the other beautiful flavours in our granola and snacks and we use coconut oil to help add some flavour. We don’t use much of either they are there is small amounts to help us get those amazing clusters you all like to nibble on so much.
Find out more... Click here
How important is a good nutritious start to the day?
Having a bowl of healthy granola in the morning can turn a bad day into a good one or a good day into a great one. Starting your day with a good portion of energy, fibre and nutrients can only be a good thing. 
Want to know more... Click here
Will it fill me up?
Nuts have been said to be designed to control appetite due to the fact that they are high in healthy fats, fibre and protein, these three elements slow digestion and regulate blood sugar especially well when combined with fruit or oats. Sounds like a big bowl of Rollagranola to us.
Find out more here... Click here 
How do I eat it?
It is completely up to you how to eat granola, but if you want some suggestions we’re happy to oblige. We make our healthy granola to taste great so why not try:
- Nibbling on a cluster as you run out the door
- Taking a bag to the office and eating at your desk
- In a bowl with milk or dairy free alternative
- Topping off a smoothie
    Or if you’re feeling creative then check out our blog where you can find all kinds of interesting ways to use our healthy homemade granola. Check out our blog here.
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