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Nootropic Granola Starter Bundle

Nootropic Granola Starter Bundle


Purchase the full range for £24 instead of £28


Start your day with the focus and energy you need with this granola which uses a nootropic stack created to give you that boost from minute 1.

Cappuccino; coffee and white chocolate flavours with
macadamias and pistachio nuts. 


Stay in control with this granola made with a blend of ingredients which can help you to relax and reduce anxiety.

Tropical & Indulgent: Cashew, Mango and Chocolate Chunk

Body & Soul

Feel more your everyday with our wellness stack. Giving you the perfect start to your day.

Refreshing & punchy: summer berries and walnut 

Complete Vegan

Packed with B12 and B Vitamins this is a great way to start your day, with added Gingko & Ginseng for focus.

Sweet & melt-in-your-mouth: Hazelnut butter and cranberry 

Naturally Nootropic

Nootropic granolas, delveoped to help you feel more you everyday

Our Nootropic Range of granolas have each been developed with a specific goal in mind, giving everyone an option to be the best version of themselves, starting at breakfast time.

Enjoy the whole range with this bundle, and define how you will feel at breakfast.

Each Pack contains 350g of product - full ingredients, nutritional and details on the product stack can be found the product page.

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