Are you a Bluebs convert?

You may have read on our social media pages about how much we at Rollagranola love blueberries. And why not? There is so much to like about this versatile fruit that we thought we should take a closer look.

Compared to popular fruit and vegetables, blueberries have very high antioxidant levels, giving them many health benefits and leading them to be one of the first fruits to be dubbed as a ‘superfood’.

If you are lucky enough to have wild blueberries growing near you, these  contain even higher levels of antioxidants despite being smaller than cultivated varieties.

However, if you cannot go foraging for wild blueberries, growing them at home is easy and virtually maintenance free, as long as you have acidic soil. They can also be grown with outstanding success in pots, which makes them perfect if garden space is limited. As well as being an attractive shrub with pretty white flowers, your blueberry bushes will provide you with a plentiful harvest of delicious tasting fruit, perfect for sprinkling on your bowl of Rollagranola at breakfast time or incorporating into a smoothie.

Blueberries are rich in naturally occurring compounds called phytochemicals, and these are known to have protective properties to help the body ward off a lengthy list of diseases.

They may help to prevent heart disease and could also help to regulate blood sugar levels. Blueberries can help to maintain good eye health as well as helping with conditions like UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections).

You are probably wondering, if blueberries really are that good, why don’t we produce a blueberry granola? Well, the Nutty Professor is looking into it as we are always experimenting with different ingredients that will help to enhance our granolas. Our Cool Raspberry Granola contains blueberry, so that is a great place to start. Or simply sprinkle some blueberries on your favourite Rollagranola to get acquainted with these special little berries. We are sure that you will quickly become a bluebs convert, just like us.

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