Mindful Eating

In recent times, there has been a monumental shift in people's thinking towards having greater mindfulness. You might be thinking mindfulness simply means 'yoga, meditation and the like' but there may be things you can do right now in your day to day lives (without buying a Yoga mat!) to make a change.

These days, it’s so easy to be eating on the go - whether that’s the tube, the bus, in the car or even at your desk whilst frantically trying to send that report off before 5pm.

Whilst convenience food has it’s place (well, healthy ones do!), it could be causing you many more problems than you think…

Studies have shown that if we are to eat whilst distracted and/or preoccupied, you are naturally paying less attention to what you are eating. This sounds obvious, but when you factor in the affect it has on the mind, it’s said to make it much harder for you to notice your body’s ‘fullness meter’. OK, ‘fullness meter’ isn’t necessarily a scientific term - but it still rings true.

Without paying attention to what you're eating and how much, you can quite easily overeat. Your mind is far too focussed on that overdue report to tell you that, actually, you were full up four forks ago.

Try setting aside some time, perhaps 10/20 minutes, to eat. You might actually find that you enjoy your food more when eating this way too! After all, food is there to be savoured, enjoyed and tasted - not just shovelled in at a rate of knots…

These kinds of slight changes can have a huge impact on your eating habits and even well being - give them a try and let us know what works for you!

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