Veganuary: Why not try going vegan in January?

The new year is always a time for hope, optimism and an opportunity to make a fresh start. Whether it is losing a few pounds, adopting a healthier lifestyle or making a determined effort to finish that long-abandoned project, we use the turn of the year to provide us with the stimulus for change. An ever-growing number of people, 400,000 in January 2020, take the pledge to try vegan for 31 days and that total includes some very high-profile names. Rock legends Brian May and Meat Loaf (or should that now be Nut Loaf?) gave it a try last year, and a well known high street chain of pizza parlours is launching its first-ever meat alternative pizza for Veganuary 2021.

In the not too distant past, embracing a vegan diet was not so easy, and you had to take a pocketbook to the shops with you which listed every vegan product so that you knew what you were buying. Thankfully, that has now changed, and vegan foods are easily identifiable on supermarket shelves.

If you have never tried vegan before, you may be under the impression that it is not very varied and much of the food is uninspiring. However, if you take a serious look at popular plant-based dishes, you will be pleasantly surprised at the range that is now available and how tempting it is. Indeed, you will undoubtedly find it more pleasurable than pounding a treadmill.

A vegan diet is usually defined by not eating meat, fish, eggs, dairy and products that contain animal ingredients. However, there are now vegan alternatives readily available for the majority of animal-derived ingredients, which means that dishes can look and taste the same without having the same environmental impact. If you are interested, you can sign up or find out more as well as view tempting recipes at, which is the website of the Veganuary registered charity that inspires and supports people to try vegan.

Rollagranola can help you too because all of our homemade granolas are vegan friendly as well as nuttily nutritious and healthy. So why not start 2021 with a bowl of one of our granolas such as Cool Raspberry or Pecan Maple Twist. You never know, it might just change your life. Wishing you a Happy New Year from everyone at Rollagranola.
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