Why Gluten-Free is so important

One of the things that we like to shout about with our handmade granolas is that they are all gluten-free. But what exactly does this mean, and why is it so important?

Gluten is a dietary protein found in wheat, barley, and rye and is therefore present in any food containing these cereals. These foods are extensive and include pasta, cakes, pies, breakfast cereals, most breads, some sauces, and some ready meals. Even a glass of beer appears on the list as most ales are brewed from barley.

This can make it challenging to adhere to a gluten-free diet, but you must do so if you have Coeliac disease. In this autoimmune condition, the body’s defence against infection mistakenly attacks healthy tissue. The result is damage to the gut, which prevents the intake of nutrients. We don’t know why it happens, and there is no cure, but a gluten-free diet helps to control the symptoms. Type 1 diabetes is also an autoimmune condition, and 10% of those with this form of diabetes have Coeliac disease.

The range of gluten-free foods available has been increasing for several years now, which makes it easier than ever to follow a diet without gluten in it.

This diet is also popular amongst those who don’t have a gluten-related medical condition, with the potential benefits including weight loss, improved health and increased energy levels.

But being gluten-free shouldn’t mean that you miss out on great tasting foods, especially at breakfast time, and our Pecan Maple Twist Granola is an excellent example of this. Pecans and natural maple syrup combine perfectly together to provide a cravingly creamy caramel flavour that gets the day off to a great start. It is so versatile and is equally at home on top of a gluten-free pancake or as a delicious go-to snack at any time of the day. There is only one thing missing, and that’s gluten.

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