This one is all about what we are doing to grow our business, like every small business, through Covid, we have struggled to keep ourselves on track and growing.  

We have built our business by developing relationships with a wide range of customers. We have aimed to sell to people who value great food, whether that’s a farm-shop, café or consumers wanting a great breakfast. Building a brand with relationships has always been important and has been a big part of getting us to where we are now and will continue to help us grow in export, e-commerce, food service etc. 

These are all key areas for us in the next 12 months and we are optimistic we are working with clients who are just as passionate as we are about good healthy food. 

We are now starting to look further ahead and have a wealth of new ideas, all of which will need a good degree of time to work out what customers are likely to want in the next couple of years and the best combination of ingredients to get a good product that is likely to appeal. 

As a small business, we are always balancing what we want to do with how much time we have available and the agenda through the next 2 years looks daunting. But as we have always seen innovation as one of our central themes, alongside quality and service, my aim is to get back to spending 1-2 days per week developing new and innovative products. This starts with new research across all areas to build a potential development pipeline. 

We have recently launched two exciting new flavours – Keto Warrior and Almond & Pecan Crunch – and we are looking to further increase the range where time permits! I don’t expect anything else to launch soon but we do have new development ideas, but these have been coming through the pipeline for the last 18 months. Now we are understanding what the new normal is likely to look like coming out of Covid we will rekindle our plans and then find a way to kick start a new wave of innovation. We think this has been core to our growth and we believe the food industry is going to keep changing and we plan to have the capability to help us reach new customers and new demand areas while still doing things really well that have helped us to build a strong and robust business. 2022 looks like it is going to be busy.

We'd love to hear from you on what we’re doing well and not so well so please get in touch and let us know what you’d love to see from us.

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