7 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Matcha

You may have already heard about the wonderful green tea that is Matcha and its many health benefits, but are you aware of quite how many different ways it can be used? 

Because Matcha Tea is powdered, it means that it is super versatile and you can use it in loads of creative ways to easily incorporate it into your diet. So here are our top 7 things that you didn’t know you could do with Matcha.

Matcha Latte

The Matcha Latte is a personal favourite of ours here at Kineta because it is milky and delicious, just right for a cold winter’s day. You can use any kind of milk you like, coconut, almond, soya, whatever floats your boat. 

To make, simply heat your milk and whisk until frothy. Separately, put Matcha into a mug and add hot water. Whisk until mixed. Now for the pretty part. Pour the whisked milk into a tall glass. Then, taking the Matcha, slowly pour over the milk and watch it slowly melt in. And there you have it, one delicious Matcha Latte! 

You can also jazz up a classic latte by adding vanilla, turmeric or coconut cream. Yummy!

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Cold Brew

Now, if a steaming hot beverage isn’t really your thing, then why not consider a Cold Brew Matcha instead? It follows the same idea as a straight-up Matcha, but you mix the Matcha with cold water instead of hot. You can also add whatever fruits or herbs you like to jazz it up. A personal fave is adding fresh mint leaves. Thyme and lemon adds zing as well as depth and basil and strawberry also makes a great flavour combination. The other bonus is that you can take it along with you on your adventures wherever they may take you - hooray! 

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Who doesn’t love a smoothie!? So, what better way to bring Matcha into your daily routine than whizzed up with fruits and veggies? As Matcha is a great source of energy and antioxidants, it is the perfect addition to any smoothie. I personally like to have one in the morning give me that sustained boost throughout the day. As well as being #vegan this particular smoothie recipe is also #glutenfree and contains #norefinedsugar, only fruit sugars. It also uses just 5 ingredients: Spinach, Bananas, Strawberries, Mint and Matcha. To prepare (super simple): Place all of the ingredients into a blender and blend to your hearts content! Pour and enjoy! 

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If you are looking for something with a bit more substance, something to really get your teeth into, then a Matcha Flapjack is the guy for you. It makes a perfect on-the-go snack with an added boost of energy. They are also straight-forward to make and perfect for hiking, biking or… other things that will not rhyme. They are also an excellent source of protein and are #vegan #glutenfree and contain #norefinedsugar. 

You can find our recipe here: 

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I don’t know about you, but I have had enough of parties! Well, maybe not the parties themselves, but the foggy-headed, blues-inducing hangovers of my nightmares! I still want to soak up the party atmosphere, but without the inevitable catastrophe the next day brings. That’s why we want to share with you the wisdom that is the Matcha Mojito Mocktail. This recipe contains zero, that’s right, ZERO alcohol, but still gives you a natural buzz (thank you Matcha) minus the lows or hangovers you get from the alcoholic version. Par-TEA!

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Face Mask

I know what you are thinking! A face mask? No way! You’re taking this too far! But yes way, and the reason that Matcha makes such a great face mask is that it is excellent for your skin. This is because Green tea contains polyphenols and researchers have found that consumption of green tea can inhibit UV radiation induced skin damage. All you need to do is create a paste using Matcha powder and a little water and then smooth onto your face. You can thank me later!

Drink it (Straight Up)

You may already know that the most common way which Matcha is drunk is straight up, mixed with hot water. But there is a particular way of preparing it that ensures that you are enjoying it in the very best way and that is the traditional way the Japanese drink it. The Japanese take their Matcha seriously and it has its own tradition and ceremony - so let me share with you the tricks of the trade for making the perfect straight-up Matcha. 

The key thing here is that you should not use boiling water with Matcha, as this can make it taste bitter. Ideally you should heat the water to around 70 degrees c. then add a little of the water to the powder and whisk into a suspension. Then add the rest of the water and whisk again to froth. 

Remember: A good quality matcha should taste smooth and not at all bitter. Delicious!

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