The chunkiest, nuttiest cookies you'll try! There's nothing better than getting a batch of these on the go on a Saturday morning - filling the house with that delicious cookie smell and ensuring plenty of treats for the weekend ahead. 


RECIPE (Makes 10 large cookies)

  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1.5 tsps vanilla essence
  • 100g unsalted butter
  • 100g self-raising flour
  • 60g peanut butter
  • 100g brown sugar
  • 1 cup Rollagranola Healthy Hazelnut
  • 50g chocolate chips


  1. Heat the oven to 180c and grease/line a couple of baking trays.
  2. In a bowl, beat the butter and sugar with a whisk until light and fluffy. Whisk in the egg and vanilla, then fold in the flour and granola. Swirl the peanut butter through the dough and add in 40g of the chocolate chips.
  3. Scoop the dough onto the trays (leave ample spreading space between the cookies), then bake in the oven for 9-10 mins (they should be a little soft in the middle still).
  4. Remove, allow to cool and enjoy
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