Warding off the Winter Blues

The ‘Winter Blues’ affects millions of people each year but taking care of our mental health is even more critical in 2020 as many people struggle to cope with the restrictions caused by the pandemic. Also known as ‘Seasonal Affective Disorder’ or SAD, anyone of any age can suffer from the winter blues with symptoms including depression, sleep problems, lethargy and overeating.
There are several things that we can do to banish these blues with good nutrition and a healthy diet right up near the top of the list.
Walnuts, for example, are acknowledged as being exceptionally good for overall brain health, and they are one of the highest plant-based sources of omega-3, which can help to ward off depression. Cashews are another feel-good nut that not only taste cravingly creamy but are excellent stress-busters. Chia Seeds and Pumpkin Seeds are good sources of essential amino acids such as Tryptophan which helps to regulate appetite, sleep and mood. All of these are excellent additions to a breakfast bowl of porridge and help to make it a crunchier, more satisfying start to the day. 
You can build on your positive start to the day be keeping active. This may not be easy and depends on individual circumstances, but getting outside for a walk in the middle of the day can be especially beneficial to mental health. Even virtual chats with friends or loved ones can help, as can taking up a new hobby.
Giving yourself a treat or two is also a good thing, and our Absolutely Chocolate Granola is the perfect guilt-free snack for an evening in front of the telly. This special granola is made with 100% cocoa chocolate and is also packed with hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts and pumpkin seeds to keep your spirits up.
Remaining positive on dreary winter days is not always easy, but please remember to seek medical advice and help if you think that you are suffering from symptoms of the winter blues.
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